Project Management Association, founded in 1990, member of IPMA


Our advantages
30 years on the professional project management market
More than 5000 certified specialists
We represent Russia in the International Project Management Association - IPMA
Highly qualified professionals with extensive project experience
Миссия СОВНЕТ:
Cодействие развитию профессионального управления проектами во всех отраслях экономики и сферах общественной жизни России.
СОВНЕТ объединяет профессионалов в области управления проектами

Ассоциация управления проектами "СОВНЕТ" - это добровольный союз профессионалов, осуществляющих научные исследования и разработки, обучение и сертификацию специалистов в области управления проектами, подготовку, выполнение и управление проектами в различных сферах деятельности. СОВНЕТ объединяет опыт и знания государственных и коммерческих организаций, а также отдельных специалистов в области управления проектами, осуществляет международное сотрудничество в сфере проектного менеджмента со странами ближнего и дальнего зарубежья.

СОВНЕТ основана 25 октября 1990 года как некоммерческая профессиональная международная организация и действует на основе Российского законодательства и Устава Ассоциации. С февраля 1991 года СОВНЕТ является национальным российским членом Международной ассоциации управления проектами – IPMA (Швейцария).

SOVNET targets:
widespread implementation of project management methods and tools in various sectors of the economy, types of business, social infrastructure and areas of state and public life on the territory of the Russian Federation;
developing professionalism and improving the quality of project management in Russia and in the world;
providing organizational, methodological and informational support to members of the Association in the development and application of professional project management;
development and improvement of theoretical foundations and practical methods in the field of project management;
expanding the number of professional project management specialists employed in various sectors of the economy, social infrastructure and areas of public life on the territory of the Russian Federation;
development, improvement, promotion and implementation of modern methods and tools for project management;
organization and methodological support of various forms of professional training and exchange of experience, advanced training, training and retraining of specialists in the field of project management.
SOVNET main solutions:
Bringing together project management professionals and supporting members of the association
Membership in SOVNET is an opportunity to receive practical assistance in project management, exchange experience with leading Russian and foreign professionals, participate in various project management events, and also have a number of other advantages.
Support for young professionals - Young Crew SOVNET youth community
Young Crew SOVNET is a community of students, university graduates and young professionals interested in project management in Russia, which unites and helps them develop in the field of project management.
Uniting of specialists in the field of project management in Interest Groups
Interest groups are working platforms for project management professionals to pose, discuss and solve urgent project management problems in various industries.
International certification of organizations according to the IPMA Delta® model
An independent assessment (assessment) of the real success and potential ability of an organization to manage projects in accordance with international standards and best practices, carried out by leading international IPMA experts.
International certification of specialists in the IPMA system - SOVNET
Establishing the compliance of professional knowledge, experience, skills and behavior of the candidate with international and national requirements for the competence of a project management specialist. IPMA - SOVNET certificates are recognized in 55 countries around the world.
Project Management Training Curriculums Accreditation
Determining whether the project management curriculum complies with national competency requirements. The accreditation certificate confirms the high quality of the curriculum for training specialists in the field of project management.