Project Management Association, founded in 1990, member of IPMA
Главное событие

Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the free online forum "Digital Project Management Practices", which will be held on September 21-24, 2020.

Association news

Alexander Tovb, SOVNET President, took part in the panel discussion on «The role of universities in organizing a strategic session in municipalities. Strategic planning and project management in the 21st century: best practices», organized by The Russian Association of Business Education (RABE) and the Samara State University of Economics (SSEU)


The open Russian contest «Best project of the year» has been held in Russia since 2013.

The contest is held by the Russian national project management Association «SOVNET» as an analogue of IPMA Global Project Excellence Award.


Project Management Association "SOVNET" is a non-profit organization, the only national representative of the International Project Management Association (IPMA) in Russia since 1991.

Mission SOVNET: development of professional management in all sectors of the economy and spheres of public life in Russia.

30 years on the professional project management market
Introducing Russia at the International Project Management Association - IPMA
More than 5,000 certified specialists
Highly qualified professionals with extensive project experience
Our partners
Учебно-консультационный центр "Проектная ПРАКТИКА"
АО «ОЭЗ ППТ «Алабуга»
Партнерский центр IMQ УГНТУ
Мельников Яков Викторович
Попеко Алексей Викторович
Ассоциация по сертификации «Русский Регистр»
Компания «WIN бизнес решения»
НОУ ДПО «Фабрика Управляющих Проектами»
Чапцов Артем Рудольфович